


Access Level: {{user.type}}


Tip: Don't forget about your browser's built-in search functionality. On most browser's you can access this feature with:

⌘ + f
Control + f

Search through the trips can be quite easy if you learn a few teqniques!

All the results are sorted by date and each page is limited to {{limit}} trips. You can quickly narrow down the page you are looking for by checking the date column. Once you find the page that is in range of your date it will be easy to find the trip you are looking for.

Date Created By Watercourse Time Spent Totals Users
{{$index+1}} {{trip.date}} {{trip.user.name.full}} {{trip.watercourse.name}} {{ secondsToTime( trip.total_seconds ) }} Users: {{ objectLength( trip.contributors ) }}
Samples: {{ trip.total_samples }}
Data Points: {{ trip.total_data_points }}
  • {{user.name.full}}
Add/Remove Trip data

Edit Trip #{{trip.id}} Date: {{trip.date}}

Group Name
ID User Samples
#{{group.id}} {{group.user.name.full}} {{py.len(group.samples)}}
ID Integrity Indicators
#{{sample.id}} {{sample.integrity.name}} {{py.len(sample.indicators)}}
Name Value
{{indicator.name}} {{indicator.value}} {{indicator.symbol}}